Ladies and Gentlemen, dearest business partners,
after 22 years of succsessful business we are glad to offer the following services to support your small or medium sized enterprise:
Consulation on the search, selection and aquisition of investors in the logistic business, especially from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. |
Consultation and support for East European investors with the ambition to settle in Brandenburg, including the design of business plans. |
Consultation on the development of marketing strategies for the support of export for products or services as well asa concepts for public relations strategies. |
Consultation on the design of marketing concepts for business locations. |
Consultation on issues regarding transport politics and cross-border goods exchange between Germany and Poland. |
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It's our pleasure to be successful on your behalf.
Winners in a competion are not the big, but the "fast ones"- just try it! |
 Your Karl-Heinz Boßan
Every human being has the right to have his words interpreted in the most positive way. |
Those who honestly try to understand other ones, are not necessarily approving the other ones action at the same time! |
The right to finish your speaking is linked to the duty to be brief! |
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